Friday, September 09, 2005

I know most of you have worried yourselves into states of panic as I have not posted another gripping tale in several days. It is not good to worry like that. Worry causes ulcers...and ulcers hurt real bad - especially if you have one and you drink milk. So, do not worry because I do not want you to get an ulcer...and if you already have an ulcer because of intense worry, then do not drink milk because it will anger your ulcer.

Revenge was taken upon me for my previous mockery of Marc's fright. Close your eyes as I repaint the scene. not close your eyes - you need to be able to read this. How about having someone else read this out loud while you close your eyes and try to imagine the scene. I'll give you a second to yell for your brother/sister to come help you....................................................

Here we go. It was Wednesday night after The Gathering for Middle School. Most all had vacated the premises except for some adults practicing music in the choir room and a few people meeting in the Conference Room. Stillness seems a fitting word - as the only audible sound carried from the choir room.

I sat in my office chair gathering my belongings for the ride home. While I let my computer shut down I had turned to grab a book from the bookshelf. I sat with my back to the door (mistake!) thumbing through a book while my computer synchronized and all the other stuff it has to do before going to sleep for the night. As I sat with my back to the door I heard the sound of footsteps entering the office.

Believing someone was going to attempt a "scare", I immediately turn around to backfire their evil plan. As I turn to my head to look over my left shoulder, all I see in front of me is Joe Alexander holding a 3-foot snake only inches from my face. Immediately, my chest tightened and my breathing became constricted. I pushed off in the chair to move away from said death-causing agent and as I pushed away my chair refused to roll over the carpet. The chair flips over - Gabe hits the ground.

Was I hurt, you ask? Only emotionally, as I heard the laughter of Pastoral Associate Josh McClendon on the ground in the hallway laughing hysterically and the snickers of my attacker, Joe A., as he strutted out the office with his head held high after his victory.

As we know, all stories have morals; applicable truths for each of us to find. What, you ask, is the moral of this tale? I shall tell you the moral; and it is this.

Never mess with Gabe, because he will get you back. The other day I let all the air out of Joe's tires....who's laughing now? I know I am. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!


Anonymous said...

Two questions, was it a real snake and why do you want to lie. I havasked Joe and he said noone has let the air out of his tires.

Anonymous said...

I know that no one let the air out of his tires - it was a joke.

JOE B said...
