Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Today I bring you a gripping tale of suspense and murder.

It was early morning in the land of Garc (the new name for the offices of Gabe & Marc). I (Gabe) was sitting at my computer, completely overwhelmed with paperwork (as I am most all of the days) when, lo and behold I heard a girlish scream echo from behind me. As I turned backwards ready to defend myself from whatever attacker awaited me, I noticed young Marcus hovering seemingly several feet in the air.

Confusion set it as I looked for possible girlish-scream-causing agents, yet saw none before me. Until..............until there on Marc's top drawer, the ghastly figure took shape before my eyes. Staring at us with eyes of fire that seemed to burn through our souls. The beast itself. The incarnation of all that is evil.......a cockroach.

Suddenly, the beast made a quick dash across the desk and a sly manuever under a nearby chair seeking shelter from the now furious, yet ever embarassed, Marc. Grabbing the nearest weapon, an almost-empty paper towel roll, and planning his strategic attack, Marc began to move in.

As he walked by, I suddenly screamed "It's on your leg!!!" (knowing full well that the beast was nowhere near Marc's leg). Again, the girlish scream that only moments ago had filled the office resounded through the air.

In an act of unparalleled courage, our knight moved in armed and ready for a battle against this infamous beast. With a sudden pull of the chair and a quick swing of his sword, the beast was brought down to his perilous demise and young Marcus stood victorious.

As I said in the beginning, this is a rather gripping tale; yet, hidden within these words is an amazing truth for each of us to seek: if you are a man and you scream like a girl, then you will be made fun of.

Until next time, children..............


Anonymous said...

marcus, i stand ready and willing to do your bidding.

JOE B said...

Marc, Don't worry, we all know Gabe and if someone screamed behind him he would never turn to defend himself he would tuck tail and run. So we all know this little story is a farse.


Anonymous said...

Wow, if i knew you put such embarassing stuff on here, i'd have been reading them forever ago. *remembers this for a later day if needed for revenge*